Saturday, February 24, 2018

4. Monday, January 22nd 2018

On Monday, January 22nd we had a meeting with the precident of Lampang Rajhabat University (LPRU). The meeting is to accept us at LPRU. So Mrs. Autcharia was picked us up in the appartement at 9.00 pm and we went to LPRU. But the meeting would be held at 1.30 pm so we had to wait until the time coming.
We walked around the LPRU to know about LPRU.

Picture in front of LPRU

Picture in front of the faculty of education
After we went around the LPRU, we had a lunch and pray. Then we moved to the meeting room to had a meeting with the president of LPRU, the lectures, the staff, and the teacher. The meeting is formal. They were welcoming us harmly. In the meeting, we had to introduce our self and the president welcoming us formaly and harmly. After that, we were given a material from the lectueres depend of our major. I met Ajarn Cook and Ajarn Ta and they were very kind people, She gave me many maerials to teach in the school.

Picture with Ajarn Ta and Ajarn Cook

Picture when I had to Introduce my self

We are 4 persons are separated into two group and we were placed in the different school. I and Rizki from UPI were placed in Anuban Lampang School. After the placement, we had a coordination with the School staff and we met teacher Apple and teacher Aoy. They were very kind people. They gave me a material and a schedule to teach. They also sent us to the new dormitory near the new school.

Picture with the President of LPRU

Picture with the All member of the meeting
We also have a buddies from Lampang Rajhabat University. The buddies will guide us during this program. They are also kind people.

Picture with the Buddies

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