Saturday, February 24, 2018

15. Friday, 2nd February 2018

On Friday, 2nd February 2018. We have a ceremony like everyday. And after that I ckecked the students work while I observed Teacher Romar in teaching. Teacher Romar teach English about superlative and comparative. He teach with the toys that brought by the students. And the students have to describe about their toys with superlative and comparative degree.

Teacher Romar with his Student showed the toy.

After that I teach in grade 4th / MEP 2 for 1 hours. I teach about solar system and I observed the way of students in presentation. So the students have to present their homework about the picture of solar system. And they have a represent the member of solar system by their self.

Students presentation as a Drama
They represent the palenets and member of solar system by their self. And they have a drama. Every group has different way in presentation. Group one was very quite and not active; group two was more active than group one; group 3 was more active than group twon; and group three was the most active group in the class.

After teach in MEP/ 2, I teach in MEP/ 1. I teach about solar system for two hours because teacher Romar told to me to teach in two periods. I teach about the Eart rotation. I teach by playing video about a day and night and the students should have a question why it can be happen day and night. And we can answer by activity. And a day and night could be happen because of Earth rotation so the Earth will have a sunlight in the one side and no sunlight in the other side. With no sunlight is called night, and with sunlight is called day. I have to take 3 students to in front of the class. After that, I teach them to turn on the sunlight that represented by the flashlight to the head of the student n the middle and the students in the next side as an observer. 

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