Saturday, February 24, 2018

Self Report


Video During Activity

This is Video From Teacher Tassanee and made by her

This is Video that mad by me


30. Saturday, February 17th 2018

On Saturday, February 17th 2018 we back to Indonesia. We back by Chiang Mai International Airport and Don Mueang International Airport. And We leave Lampang to Chiang Mai at 10.00 a.m. by car of LPRU staff for 2 hours. After arrived at Chiang Mai at 12.00 a.m., and we flight at 14.15 p.m. We arrived Bangkok at 15.45 p.m. After that we finish our document at the immigration and Check in at Don Mueang. And we flight from Don Mueang to Jakarta at 18.45 p.m. and we arrived Jakarta at 23.00 p.m. We stay at Jakarta for 24 hours and continue our trip to Yogyakarta on February 18th 2018 by train. And we arrived Yogyakarta on February, 19th at 06.38 a.m.

At Chiang Mai International Airport

Arrived at Don Mueang International Airport

Arrived Jakarta 


29. Friday, February 16th 2018

On Friday, February 16th 2018, Anuban Lampang School held an academic day. Academic day is the day of the school to presents the students work and play games for the all students in a booths. Because of that, the school was very busy to prepare many things. Not only academic day,but also a Chinese new year also held in that event. Some students wear a traditional clothes, and all students and teacher wear a Chinese clothes.

Academic Day at School

Academic Day at School
After the event, Dr.Bangorn and Her Husband invite us to attend the event in the mosque called Tambun. Tambun is muslim event in Thailand that is a lunch after pray. After that I give Dr Bangorn and Uncle some souvenirs.

Give Souvenirs to Dr Bangorn and Uncle 


28. Thursday, February 15th 2018

On Thursday, 15th February 2018 we had a final meeting and presentation with the President of Lampang Rajabhat University. We went there with our teachers of Anuban Lampang School They are Dr. Bangorn Roikrong and Teacher Tassanee Wichienbunjong. The meeting was held in the meeting room 10th floor of LPRU at 10 a.m. The meeting was attended by the presidents of LPRU he is Mr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Somkiat Saithanoo and staff of LPRU, the lectures of LPRU, the teachers of Anuban Lampang School and Bon Ponshanook School, and the students teacher from Indonesia and Phillipines.
In the first, there where a speech from Presidents of LPRU after that we have a final presentation, and speech from the lecturers, and from both of schools. And in the and we have a lunch and take a picture also giving and get souvenirs and certificate from LPRU.

Final Meeting in LPRU
Source: LPRU Documentation

Student Teacher get Certificate from LPRU by President of LPRU
Giving Souvenirs to LPRU
Take a Picture with all members of Meeting

Source: LPRU Documentation 


27. Wednesday, February 14th 2018

On Wednesday, 14th February 2018, I went to school and my activity was play the video to the students about aur activity during one month. They were very a enthusiastic to watch the video. After watch video, I gave some souvenirs to the students.

Students were watching the Video

The students got souvenirs 


26. Tuesday, February 13th 2018

On Tuesday, 13th February 2018 I do my activity as always. In the morning, I join  the ceremony I the yard, after that was a milk time and start the lesson. But I finished my teaching already So I just observed the teaching of Teacher Romar while I finish my logbook. After that Teacher Romar and Teacher Tassanee give me a surprise by giving the rememberance for me. I also give them a souvenirs. After giving and get souvenirs we take a picture with the students and the all teachers of MEP 1 and MEP 2.

Giving Souvenir to the Class

Get Souvenirs from the Teachers

Picture with the students and teachers of Grade 4th/ MEP 1

Picture with Teachers of Grade 4th/ MEP 1 and Grade 4th/ MEP 2


25. Monday, 12th February 2018

On Monday, 12th February 2018 I went to school. But I finished my teaching already. So I just finishing to give score to the students. I finish the score of students in MEP 1 and MEP 2, in MEP 1. And this is the score of students in MEP 1 and MEP 2.


24. Sunday, February 11th 2018

On Sunday February 11th 2018 , I and Rizky walked around Lampang because it was Sunday. We walked around Lampang to get some souvenirs but we did not find the souvenirs, so we just took a picture in the central of Lampang and we can get information and get experiences about Lampang. And we also know about the place to pray for budhist.

Big Clock, the Symbil of Lampang City
In  the afternoon we  have a plan with Mrs. Autchariya to get some souvenirs and some frame near the central of Lampang. We went there by car with Mrs. Autchariya. We got many souvenirs there but we could not find some souvenirs so we decided to buy in the night market.

Buy Souvenirs with Mrs. Autchariya


23. Saturday, February 10th 2018

On Saturday, 10th February we have a dinner with Teacher Tassanee at her home. She invite us to have a dinner because she will welcoming us and maybe as a farewell from her. She invites Me and Rizky from UPI and Teacher Roma and Teacher Rose as Teacher Romar’s daughter. We eat a lot of food there and we really enjoyed the dinner.

Dinner in Teacher Tassanee’s house


22. Friday, February 9th 2018

On Friday, 9th February 2018 I have a class in grade 4th/ MEP 1 and Grade 4th/ MEP 2. In both of class I have a post test. I make a 25 question. In the class MEP 2 I let them to write the question and they have to answer, but the time is not enough so I let them to do until number 20. But after I checked I found that he score of MEP 2 in the average is very good.
In MEP 1, I give them the same question. But Teacher Romar want me to print and copy the question so the students don’t need to write the question. But they have to answer until number 25. The result of this class is in the middle, because they have to answer more than the other class.

Post  Test in Grade 4th / MEP 1 


21. Thursday, 8th February 2018

On Thursday, 8th February 2018. I teach in grade 4th I review about solar system. I teach and gives the a question about solar system because in the next meeting we will have a post test. 


20. Wednesday, February 7th 2018

On Wednesday, 7th February 2018 I still need a time to teach because my time have not enough to reach 15-20 days. I teach in grade 4th/ MEP 2 in the third period. I teach about rotation, The way I teach is the same as I teach in MEP 1 last meeting. But in the MEP 2, we need more struggle to make the students understand because they don’t know how they read the worksheets and how to make that activity.
But in that day, teacher Adams as the class teacher help me to coordinate the class so it was easier. After the lesson, we take a photos in the class to remember each other.

Picture with Grade 4th / MEP 2

After I teach in the class, Teacher Romar invites me to have a meeting with foreigner teacher in Anuban Lampang. The meeting was lead by Dr Bangorn as a directur of MEP program. We discuss about an academic year that will be held on Friday, 16th February 2018. Academic year is the year of the school. In academic year it will be an opening ceremony in the morning, after that the teacher prepare the booth for the students to show students work, students creativity and so on. 
Not only meeting but the students also has a time to choose the leader of the school in every year. 
The students write their name

The students write their name

The students choose the leader

The students choose the leader

The students submit the form


19. Tuesday, February 6th 2018

On Tuesday, 6th February 2018 is the day that I have to be evaluated by the Lectures from LPRU. So, I have to prepare the lesson plan, the worksheets based on the subject matter and prepare the decoration of the classroom. Before the evaluation, I teach students about science. Because today I have two schedule in one day, but the evaluation time is in the last period so I have to teach in the first period. I teach about the characteristics of solar system in the first period. And I review about the worksheet that finished by the students. And I told them about the characteristics of each planet using stellarium software. They have to obsereve the member of solar system.
After the first period, I took a rest and I wait for the coming of lectures. The lectures Ajarn Cook and Ajarn Ta came on time so I have to going inside to the class and have a class. I teach about the revolution. I showed about the causes of the season by video. I asked the students to practice using the stellarium and using PhET Simulation. And I divides the students to 5 groups. Each group have to find the planets in the stellarium and each group have to explain the characteristic of the planets by drawing in the book. And in the end of the class, the students have to practice the revolution using PhET simulation. And the I gives the confirmation.
The students should find how many days that used by the Earth and the Moon to spin around the Sun. They prove about the days using a PhET Simulation and they do it by their groups. They find the days and they have to present the result of the activity in front of the class. Actually, it needs a 365 days for Earth to spin around the Sun. But the students find about 367.5 days. And after that, we discuss it how can it be happen and I give them confirmation by playing video.

The Picture when I have to show the video about the season to make the students have a question

The Picture during the activity

After the class finished already, I get an evaluation from the lectures. Ajarn Cook gives comment about the classrooms management, because she thinks that I need to improve the classroom management because it was too much students in every groups because I just made 2 groups in the class to observe. But I made 5 groups to do the worksheets. I just made 2 groups because here is not enough notebook that can be used so here is just 2 notebook. So not all students can observe about the days in revolution. But Ajarn Ta gives me a solutions about that, we can use the smartphone to install that application because the application can used by their self and I can devide them into a small groups. 


18. Monday, 5th February 2018

On Monday, 5th February is the time to go back to school. I have to prepare the students worksheet to the students activity by printing the worksheet in the class. I print for the students. And after that I continue checking students work in the last Friday and continue to check the lesson plan.
After that, I teach in grade 4/ MEP 1 for 1 hour. I teach about solar system continue and review the last topic. After that in the last period, I teach science in 1 hour. I teach about solar and lunar eclipse. The teaching is to prepare my teaching evaluation on Tuesday. So, I have to prepare the teaching very well.
I teach about solar and lunar eclipse by student activity, which the students devided into 5 groups. And in each group, I give them one worksheet to be done. The activity is about the demonstration about the solar and lunar eclipse. We have to prepare two balls and one flashlight in each group. And we have to make an activity like this scheme

Picture 1 for Activity 1

Picture 2 for Activity 2

After they have an activity they know about solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. And after that, they have to complete the worksheet and I will check the worksheet. But during the lesson, the students are little difficult to make the activity so it needs a long time to make the students understand. But I give them to asking a question to me if they do not understand. 


17. Sunday, 4th February 2018

On Sunday, 4th February 2018 is the weekend. And we went to the night market to look for some souvenirs to bring in our country and we fins something but we decide to buy in the next Sunday. 
Some Souvenirs that we can get in night market

Some Souvenirs that we can get in night market


16. Saturday, 3th February 2018

On Saturday, 3th February 2018 is the weekend. So that I just stay at dorm and finish my homework. After that I try to finish and make fix of my lesson plan and prepare for evaluation in the next Tuesday. After that, Dr. Bangorn the director of MEP Program in Anuban Lampang School invites us to have a trip again to Mae Mo District because the other friend who placed in Ban Ponsanook school have not already go to Mae Mo District. So we visit there again. We enjoyed the trip and we enjoyed the sun set there. We went there with Dr Bangorn and Uncle Hamid as her husband and with her grandson.

The Picture in Mae Mo District 


15. Friday, 2nd February 2018

On Friday, 2nd February 2018. We have a ceremony like everyday. And after that I ckecked the students work while I observed Teacher Romar in teaching. Teacher Romar teach English about superlative and comparative. He teach with the toys that brought by the students. And the students have to describe about their toys with superlative and comparative degree.

Teacher Romar with his Student showed the toy.

After that I teach in grade 4th / MEP 2 for 1 hours. I teach about solar system and I observed the way of students in presentation. So the students have to present their homework about the picture of solar system. And they have a represent the member of solar system by their self.

Students presentation as a Drama
They represent the palenets and member of solar system by their self. And they have a drama. Every group has different way in presentation. Group one was very quite and not active; group two was more active than group one; group 3 was more active than group twon; and group three was the most active group in the class.

After teach in MEP/ 2, I teach in MEP/ 1. I teach about solar system for two hours because teacher Romar told to me to teach in two periods. I teach about the Eart rotation. I teach by playing video about a day and night and the students should have a question why it can be happen day and night. And we can answer by activity. And a day and night could be happen because of Earth rotation so the Earth will have a sunlight in the one side and no sunlight in the other side. With no sunlight is called night, and with sunlight is called day. I have to take 3 students to in front of the class. After that, I teach them to turn on the sunlight that represented by the flashlight to the head of the student n the middle and the students in the next side as an observer. 


14. Thursday, 1st February 2018

On Thursday, 1st February 2018 I was not teaching because the school assistant director invited us to have a holiday but he could not join with us because he had a meeting so we went to that place with the director of MEP Program, She is Dr. Bangorn. We started our trip on 9 am. And we went to Jedisau Temple; Mangs Palace, Mae Mo District, Watprakeawdontao Suchadaram, and ate somtam.
In the first time, we arrived in the Jedisau Temple. The temple of budhis in Thailand the temple has 20 temples inside it. We saw a traditional temple of Thailand. They believe that if we can count the temple well, we can reach all of our dreams because for some people it’s very difficult to count the temple.

Picture in Jedisau Temple
After trip to Jedisau temple, we continued the trip to Mangs palace. The palace is for pray the people in Thailand that believe in Budhis.

The Symbol of Mangs
After that we went to Mae Mo District. Mae Mo district is the district that provide the electricity for not only Lampang, but also for Thailand.

Mae Mo District
After that, we went to Watprakeawdontao Suchadaram. That is another temple of Thailand.

Watprakeawdontao Suchadaram
Watprakeawdontao Suchadaram

After that we ate Somtam. Somtan is the traditional food of Thailand. Somtam is consist of young papaya with Thailand sauce.

Somtam with papaya salad